7 Warning Signs Your Dog Is in Pain

Personality shifts like new fear, anxiety, neediness, or attention-seeking could indicate discomfort in pets.

Behavior Changes  

Irritability, biting, growling over being touched or moved may happen from pain; don't scold.

 Increased Aggression   

 Previously active dogs not wanting to run, jump, or play as usual warrant checking out.

 Alterations in Activity   

 Observe for limping, stiffness, trouble sitting/lying down, changes in elimination habits.

Physical Symptoms   

Difficulty finding comfortable sleeping positions and reluctance to settle signal distress.  

Sleep & Rest Pattern Shifts   

Nausea, mouth pain, or side effects of illness can cause unusual disinterest in beloved treats and meals.

Appetite Changes

Focus on one area may indicate injuries, surgical sites, or skin problems brewing.

Excessive Licking and Chewing    

7 Dog Breeds Skilled at Marathon Napping