7 Cats Strikingly Similar to Tigers

Bengals have leopard-like rosettes and stripes. This active, muscular breed retains exotic wildcat looks from their Asian leopard cat lineage.  

Bengal Cats

Savannahs are a cross between a domestic cat and a serval. Tall and long-legged with spots and stripes, they embody wild essence.

Savannah Cats 

Chausies share ancestry with jungle cats. Their brown ticked fur and athletic build channels a miniature cougar.  


The toyger's vivid tiger-like stripes and white tummy were achieved through careful domestic cat breeding. They have cuddly house cat temperaments.


Friendly, devoted Ocicats sport spots, stripes and swirls like an ocelot's coat. But they lack wild feline aggression.  


The Egyptian Mau's leopard print spots and athletic gait connect them to northern African jungle cats of antiquity.  

Egyptian Maus

Well-socialized Serengetis make loving pets despite their exotic spotted and striped pattern reminiscent of African wildcats.  


Befriending the Golden Retriever Next Door