Ace Your Pet's Exam

A vet visit can be a positive experience. With a little preparation, you can ensure your furry friend feels comfortable and confident.

Vet Prep

Prepare your pet's medical history, including vaccinations, medications, and any past concerns. This helps the vet understand your furry friend's unique needs.


 Pack familiar toys, treats, and bedding for comfort. Leave potentially stressful items like squeaky toys and noisy leashes at home.


Avoid feeding your pet a heavy meal 12 hours before the visit. This can prevent nausea and discomfort during examination.


Choose a comfortable carrier or crate for travel. Familiarize your pet with it beforehand and use calming sprays or music if needed.

Travel Tip

Gently practice basic commands and handling procedures beforehand. This can reduce anxiety and allow for a smoother examination.


Reward your furry friend for their bravery with treats, praise, and playtime. Make the experience positive and fun!


Calming Clues Unmasking Doggy Anxiety