Beginner's Guide to Dog Adoption

Estimate costs over your dog's life span and seriously assess if you can commit to responsible ownership as their health and mobility changes.

Lifelong Commitment   

Beyond adoption fees, budget for supplies, food, vet costs, grooming, boarding, pet insurance and unexpected medical needs over 10+ years.

Surprise Costs

Fence yard, install gates, store toxins and medicines, hide wires and secure balconies and windows - inspect from their nose-level viewpoint!  

Dog Safety

Consider activity level, grooming and shedding, size, behavioral quirks and health risks to match breeds and mixes to your lifestyle and experience level.  


Arrange a vet exam for adopted dogs to catch problems early. Review medical records. Ask about temperament and behavior issues.


Remove temptation to chew, secure trash cans, cover power outlets and block small spaces for safety if adopting a teething, energetic pup.  


Shop for food, bowls, collar, leash, bed, toys, enzyme cleaner, brushes, waste bags so supplies are ready to help transition.  


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