Best Dog Breeds for Rural Living

Energetic and highly trainable, the Australian Cattle Dog will happily run alongside you for miles or herd livestock all day. 

Australian Cattle

America's most popular dog breed for good reason - the lovable Lab thrives when it has space to play and swim. 

Labrador Retriever

Originally from Africa, this loyal hound excels at keeping predators away from livestock and can run up to 30 miles per hour.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The smartest of all dog breeds, the alert Border Collie will put its energy and intelligence to work on the farm herding sheep

Border Collie

A gentle giant that does well in cold weather, the Bernese Mountain Dog will happily pull carts or keep you company on long winter walks and hikes. 

Bernese Mountain Dog

This large, fluffy white guardian breed is a natural protector of its territory and flock. 

Great Pyrenees 

Small but energetic, the Jack Russell Terrier enjoys country life chasing vermin and small critters. They have endless stamina

Jack Russell Terrier

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