Cat Breeds with the Most Expressive Eyes 

Ragdolls are treasured for their bright blue crossed eyes that give them an irresistibly sweet, innocent expression.  


Known for their baby blues, Siamese have large almond-shaped eyes that they use to communicate and capture your attention.   


Persian cats are prized for their pansy-like faces featuring exaggerated large, round copper eyes.  


Lacking fur around their eyes, the Sphynx's large lemur-like eyes with dark mascara lines are prominent. 


The Burmese displays almost human-like emotions through their large, expressive yellow to amber eyes.  


British Shorthairs have big round copper or gold eyes that give them a perpetually happy, sweet expression.   

British Shorthair 

Known for intelligence and charm, Maine Coons have wide-set eyes often featuring a chiseled brow.

Maine Coon

Cat Breeds Suited for Nearly Any Loving Household