Categories of Service Dogs That Assist People

Guide dogs lead visually impaired individuals by avoiding obstacles. Breeds like Golden retrievers, Labradors and German shepherds excel with enhanced vision and navigation.

Guide Dogs

Hearing dogs alert deaf handlers to important or alarming sounds like alarms, doorbells or phones ringing through touch cues and leading them to the source

Hearing Dogs 

 PTSD dogs comfort anxiety attack-prone veterans and trauma survivors by signaling rising distress and providing calming deep pressure therapy lean-ins.  

PTSD Dogs  

These dogs sense oncoming seizures and bark to alert humans. Some even activate medical devices or block patients from injury during episodes through positioning. 

Seizure Alert & Response Dogs 

 Diabetic alert dogs detect blood sugar fluctuations in diabetics through scent and notify them so they can take corrective action and remain healthy.

Diabetic Alert Dogs

Facility dogs work in settings like schools, hospitals and courtrooms to encourage testimony, education and healing through animal assisted engagement. 

Facility Dogs  

Allergy detection dogs sniff out offensive allergens for consumers with anaphylactic allergies, signaling products safe for use.  

Allergy Detection Dogs 

How to Leash Train a Cat?