Clingy Canine? Conquer Cuddles

The reasons behind your dog's clinginess, from separation anxiety to boredom. Understanding the root cause is key to finding solutions.


Regular walks, playtime, and mental stimulation tire your dog out, reducing their need to be attached at the hip. Choose activities they love!


Designate a comfy spot for your dog to relax, complete with their favorite toys and treats. Encourage them to spend time there independently.


 Invest in interactive toys and puzzles that keep your dog entertained when you're busy. Puzzle feeders are a great option!


Gradually practice leaving your dog alone, starting with short absences and rewarding calm behavior. This helps them build confidence and overcome separation anxiety.


Resist the urge to give in to your dog's clingy demands. Ignoring their unwanted attention reinforces independence and teaches them appropriate behavior.


Be patient and consistent with your training. Remember, changing behavior takes time and effort. Celebrate small victories along the way!


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