Common Dog Behaviors and Body Language  

From alarm barking to seeking attention, boredom or communicating with other dogs, understand why your dog is vocally signaling you. 


While whining can show excitement, anxiety or basic needs, identify root causes rather than just reacting to the symptoms.  

Excessive Whining   

Rapid loose wags signal happiness but tight, short wags nearer the body communicate nervousness or displeasure

Wagging Tail

Frequent yawning can communicate nervousness, elevated stress or anxiety rather than simply being ready for bedtime


Excessive lip licking when not just grooming can indicate a dog feels nervous or uncomfortable in a situation

Lip Licking

Dogs sniff urine spots to gather biological information about other animals in the area.  

Sniffing Urine

While often a warning sign, growling can signal fear or uncertainty. Don't punish, address the root cause


Calculating Dog’s Age in Equivalent Human Years