Demystifying Your Dog's Body Language  

Fast whole body wagging reflects pure joy and excitement. Slower loose wags still indicate contentment.  

Tail Wagging 

Erect, forward-facing ears convey full attention, engagement and interest in whatever has their focus.

Ears Perked

Classic play bow stance with front legs extended invites fun, positive interaction.

Play Bows

Wide, relaxed yawns demonstrate calm comfort with their current environment/situation.

Relaxed Yawns

Brief lip licks show mild stress like uncertainty. Prolonged repetitive lip licking signals greater anxiety.  

Lip Licking

Looking away can communicate nervousness or submission rather than inviting interaction.

Eye Contact  

Tail tucked tightly against their belly indicates fear, lack of confidence or feeling unwell.  

Tucked Tail

Effective Tips to Vanquish Fear of Dogs