Demystifying Your Dog's Facial Expressions 

Overview of what relaxed mouths, tongue flicks, lip licks, and tension yawns indicate about doggy mood states.

Mouth Cues

 Examples of furrowed, relaxed, cocked, and flashing eyebrow movements dogs make when experiencing certain emotions.

Eye Brow Raising 

Interpret emotions like alertness, trust, uncertainty, and guardedness from ear erectness, rotating, pinning back or down

Ear Positioning 

Signals of sureness like head high tail wagging vs insecure lip licking and half-moon eyes. 

Confidence Displays

Tongue out smiles, soft eye crinkles, ears perked up, bouncy movements indicate doggy glee and excitement.  

Joyful Signals 

Lip smacking, avoiding eye contact, tense jaws, excessive blinking/yawning point to dogs feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

Stress Signs

Frozen stillness, diluted pupils, forward ears, lowered head/body can signify concentration in anticipation of action.

 Focus & Anticipation

The Meanings Behind Your Dog’s Intense Stares