Do Cats Actually Experience Depression?

After a close companion cat in the home dies, remaining cats may vocalize more, overgroom, hide and act restless reflecting mourning behavior.  

Grieving Loss

Sudden unwelcome events like adoption or losing an owner can trigger cats to withdraw, overeat and eliminate outside litterbox.

Traumatic Change

Depressed cats sleep excessively, isolate themselves, lose interest in play and interact less seemingly in low spirits


Some depressed cats seem tense, aggressive or clingy when the root cause is actually sadness not anger.


Cats produce serotonin and endorphin chemistry influencing mood like humans. When deficient long term despite environmental stability, clinical diagnosis applies.  

Chemical Imbalance 

Ensure medical illness isn't causing symptoms before treating lethargy or appetite issues as strictly behavioral in origin.  

Vet Exam

More extensive daily play, routine schedules and preventing boredom alleviates causes allowing happier mindset.  

Enrichment Key

How Good is Your Cat’s Memory?