Dog Breeds That Drool the Most

The Mastiff has rolls and folds of loose skin around its face that trap moisture and lead to copious drool.


The aptly named Saint Bernard is truly a drooling saint. Its friendly and patient temperament pairs with a steady stream 


With their long, wrinkly faces sporting additional skin to trap moisture, Basset Hounds and Bloodhounds have drool to spare. 

Basset Hounds

Several Bulldog breeds are notorious slobber machines, including the English Bulldog, French Bulldog, and Bullmastiff.


The fluffy and loving Great Pyrenees is a big drool offender, with its substantial muzzle shape and flews that give drool plenty of room to accumulate. 

Great Pyrenees

Other big drooler breeds include the Neapolitan Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, Clumber Spaniel, and Chow Chow.


Drooling can be normal for some breeds but may also indicate a medical issue in any dog, like nausea, oral pain, or heat stroke.


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