Dogs for Hot Weather

Australian Cattle Dogs have enduring energy and stamina allowing them to herd cattle for hours under a harsh Australian sun.

Australian Cattle

This energetic Hungarian breed has a short, rust-colored coat perfect for reflecting heat rather than absorbing it.


The work ethic of the Jack Russell Terrier matches its ability to thrive in hot and humid temperatures. 

Jack Russell

Hailing from Africa, Rhodesian Ridgebacks handle hot weather well thanks to their limited coat and unusually thick skin

Rhodesian Ridgebacks

One of the few barkless breeds, Basenjis are active, affectionate dogs that flourish in tropical climates. Originating in central Africa


While care should be taken during temperature extremes with any dog, Pit Bull breed musculature and short coat length can aid with hot weather

Pit Bull

America's favorite breed, the Labrador Retriever has an easy-care water-resistant coat ideal for the trials of summer.

Labrador Retriever

Best Dog Breeds for Protection