Effective Tips to Vanquish Fear of Dogs

Note specific triggers like barking, jumping, dog sizes, leashes, trauma history or beliefs like "dogs are dangerous" instilling fear for targeted exposure plan.  

Root Causes

Begin cognitively picturing calm, cute pups before gradually facing quiet older dogs at a distance from behind fences to build tolerance.   


Bring bits of hot dog, cheese or commercial treats on walks to casually toss creating positive associations without pressure to directly interact.  


Learning when barking conveys playfulness vs territorial warnings dispels assumptions all vocal dogs seem aggressive.

Body Language  

Respect dogs' consent by first getting caretaker approval before attempting contact to avoid startling dogs happily resting.

Approve Meets  

Signing up for hands-on classes about safely reading dog cues in presence of instructor builds confidence and coping skills.  

Dog Massage

Seeing dogs comfortable wearing muzzles when needed shows they don't equal danger and can aid therapy.  

Closer Proximity  

The Connection Between Dogs and Happiness