Effective Ways to Train Your Little Dog

Don't expect small dogs to be as fast at learning new skills. Have patience and use positive reinforcement.

Set Realistic

Small bladders need to go out more often! Take your little puppy outside every 2 hours and reward pottying. 

Potty Breaks 

Break training treats into small pieces to motivate toy breeds without overfeeding.

Use Tiny Treats

Safely introduce your small puppy to new sights, sounds, dogs, and people for better behavior.


Teach your little dog to come when called using their name and tasty treats. Practice off leash.

Name As A Recall

Counter excitement-based nipping by remaining calm and rewarding polite behavior.

Calm Interactions

Clickers provide clear feedback for desired actions. Pair with treats for best results.

Clicker Training

Is Your Furry Friend As Smart As You Think