Essential Things to Know About Your Cat's Butt  

Cats have scent glands around their anus allowing them to mark territory by rubbing their bottoms on surfaces.

Scent Glands 

Long-haired cats can get dried poop stuck to their fur called dingleberries. Groom routinely to prevent messy cling-ons.  


Cats may scoot their rears on the ground indicating irritation, parasites or blocked anal glands needing veterinary attention. 

Scooting Signs

Like human fingerprints, each cat's rear puckered lips make unique anal print patterns allowing ID by their booty.  

Unique Prints! 

Monitor your cat's hindquarters for signs of parasites like fleas or worms around their sensitive bottoms.

Parasite Checks

A sanitary trim from your groomer to keep long-haired cats clean by trimming fur around the booty.

Sanitary Trims

Some litter varieties statically cling to cat fur. Choose low dust clumping litters or add baking soda to prevent cling-ons.

Litter Sticking  

Reasons To Adopt A Golden Retriever