Fascinating Facts About the Iconic Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat gets its name from the area once known as Siam, which is now Thailand, where they were treasured pets.  

Originated in Siam

Siamese cats are known for being extremely vocal and communicating in loud, conversational meows and yowls.

Very Vocal  

With observant nature and ability to learn tricks, the active and agile Siamese is considered one of the most intelligent breeds.


Siamese form deep bonds with their owners, demanding interaction and shadowing their favorite person’s every move.   


Siamese have a striking contrasting coat color of light fur with darker points on the face, ears, legs and tail.


They are recognized for their almond-shaped blue eyes and expressive gazes which seem to follow you.


In Siam, Siamese cats were royal family companions and guarded temples before becoming popular in the West.  

Royal Pedigree

Cat Breeds with the Most Expressive Eyes