Find Your Dog's Ideal Weight

Knowing your dog's ideal weight isn't just about numbers. It's about their health, happiness, and preventing future problems.


Ditch the dreaded bathroom scale! Body condition scoring (BCS) is a simple, visual way to assess your dog's fat levels and overall health.


Gently run your hands along your dog's ribs. You should feel them easily with light pressure, but not see them protruding.


Look from above and the side. A slight tuck at the waistline is ideal, not a bulging belly or flat, hard abdomen.

Belly Check

Trace your hand from your dog's hip bone down the tail base. You should feel a slight narrowing, not a flat, square shape.

Tail Tune-up

Most healthy dogs fall between a BCS of 4-5 on a 9-point scale. Aim for a lean, athletic build, not too thin or too heavy.


Maintaining a healthy weight reduces risks of obesity-related problems like joint issues, diabetes, and heart disease.


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