Fun Facts About Samoyeds

The Samoyed originated as a sled dog in Siberia. They were companions of the Samoyede people, who herded reindeer. 


This medium-sized dog has a thick, white, double-layer coat, triangular ears, and a curled tail. Their smiling, friendly expression is iconic.


Samoyeds are intelligent, friendly, and loyal. They love people and may bark to alert their owners. 


Samoyeds have high energy and need 30-60 minutes of daily exercise. They enjoy activities like hiking, agility, and interactive play.

Exercise Needs

Their heavy coat requires brushing 2-3 times per week to prevent matting and tangling. Bathe monthly. Trim nails regularly. Check ears and teeth. 

Grooming Tips

Samoyeds are smart but willful. Positive reinforcement works best for training. Be patient, firm and consistent.


Samoyeds are generally healthy but prone to eye issues, hip dysplasia, and autoimmune disorders. Lifespan is 12-14 years. 

Health Issues

American Eskimo Dog Facts