How Smart Is Your Dog?

Teaching your dog new tricks is a classic way to test their smarts. See how quickly they pick up commands.

New Tricks

Playing hide and seek with treats tests your dog's smelling ability and memory. Do they remember where treats were hidden?

Hide & Seek

Give your dog puzzle toys/games to see if they can solve them to get treats. More complex puzzles require smarter dogs.

Puzzle Toys 

Build up your dog's vocabulary with new words. Smart dogs can learn 10+ words apart from basic commands.


Observe your dog's ability to communicate effectively with other dogs and humans. This tests their "EQ."

Social Smarts

Keep your dog engaged by varying their activities daily. Bored, repetitive tasks don't stimulate their mind.

Mix It Up

Enroll your dog in obedience or agility classes. Intelligent dogs thrive learning new skills alongside other dogs.

Training Classes

Cutest Rottweiler Dog Names for Your Puppy