How to Recognize and Prevent Mange in Dogs

Look for patchy hair loss, reddened skin, and scabby sores which may indicate mange.

Hair Loss

To diagnose mange, your vet will take skin scrapings and examine them under a microscope for mites.

Vet Diagnosis

Your vet may prescribe medicated dips and shampoos containing miticides to kill mites and soothe skin.

Medicated Baths  

Antibiotics and topical scabicide creams are commonly prescribed to treat underlying infection and kill mites.

Topical Medication

Thoroughly vacuum and wash your dog's bedding in hot water to eliminate lingering mites.

Wash Bedding

Isolate dogs undergoing mange treatment from other household pets to prevent spread.


Use monthly flea/tick prevention medications prescribed by your vet to prevent future mite infestations.


Tips for Moisturizing Your Dog’s Dry Skin