How To Stop Your Dog From Digging

Make sure your dog gets adequate walks, playtime, and mental stimulation to curb boredom digging.


Use fencing or bury barriers to restrict access to areas where your dog likes to dig.


Provide an approved digging area in your yard to satisfy your dog's natural instinct.

Designated Digging Pit

Occupy your dog's energy chewing and playing with puzzle toys when outdoors.


Use pet-safe anti-digging sprays or shakes filled with pebbles to startle your dog while digging.

Discourage Mid-Act

Work on "leave it" and "drop it" commands to get your dog to stop undesired behaviors.


Never yell at or physically discipline your dog for digging, or they may do it when you aren't around.

Don't Punish 

Stop Your Dog Jumping Up On People