How to take your cat out for a walk

Choose a comfortable, escape-proof harness made specifically for cats.

Get a Harness 

Use a sturdy leash that gives kitty some roaming room but won't get tangled.

Proper Leash   

Take it slow, reward with treats. Let kitty get used to wearing a harness indoors first.

Slow Training  

Make sure to ID chip cat. Only go out when supervised & avoid cars, dogs.

Safety First  

Bring toys & treats. Have a walking route planned with stops to climb, play.

Have an Agenda

Follow kitty's lead, don't force anything. Be prepared to pick them up if needed.

Go at Their Pace

Watch for signs of stress like crouching, dilated pupils. End walk if cat gets scared.

Pay Attention  

Picking The Purrfect Treats for Kitties