Ideal Dog Walking Frequency and Duration 

Dog's breed when deciding how long and how often to walk them. High energy breeds need more.   

Breed Matters

Puppies and seniors cannot handle as much exercise. Adjust walk times and frequency appropriately.

Age Factors  

Dogs with medical conditions may have limited exercise capacity. Consult your vet on appropriate walking routine.  

Health Status

Walk early/late on extremely hot days. Shorten cold weather walks to prevent frost bite and salt burns on paws.  

Weather Issues

If your dog is home alone all day while you work, they need longer, more frequent walks for mental stimulation.  

Lifestyle Needs  

A walk was long enough if your dog seems content, rested and calm after. Signs of needed extra exercise include pacing, barking or energy.   

Signs of Enough  

Each dog has unique needs- customize walk times and distances rather than adhering to rigid rules.     

Customize It

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