Is It Safe For Dog To GO Outside In Cold

Extreme cold thresholds for dogs depend on breed, coat, age, health and outside time. Know your dog's limits

Extremes Vary  

Most healthy adult dogs can tolerate brief bathroom walks in low 20°Fs but avoid prolonged time below 20°F or 0°F.

General Guide 

Signs your dog is too cold include shivering, lifting paws off ground, seeking warmth, whining or slowing pace.

Look For Signs  

Wind chill makes real feel temps much colder. Don't rely just on the thermometer when deciding to head out.

Wind Chill Matters   

Set a cold weather bathroom time limit to avoid frostbite. Longer walks require dog sweaters/booties.  

Time Limits Key

Don't have dogs off leash in snow and ice. Salt and deicers can damage paws too.

Avoid Ice Hazards

Very young or old dogs have lower cold tolerance. Keep walks very quick and have coats/booties ready.

Puppy & Senior Caution  

Medical Causes of Your Dog’s Bad Smell