Logical Reasons Behind The Meow Mania

Cats often meow for hellos when their preferred people enter rooms and farewell meows when exiting as social bonding cues.

Hello & Goodbye   

Attention-seeking meows announce kitty demands to be petted, held or played with when craving human interaction. 

Pet Me Please  

Food solicitation meows notify servants (aka owners) it's mealtime or treats are overdue to hungry tummies. 

Feed Me Now

Cats meow out of boredom and loneliness when left home alone all day, demanding stimulating company.

 Bored & Lonely  

Cats' meows can indicate physical discomfort from illnesses, injuries or simply contorted cute kitty yoga positions! 

Discomfort Displays

Yowling meows also signal territorial trespassers stray cats spy outside windows stirring defensive alarms.

Territory Troubles   

While some cats meow often, others rarely vocalize so frequency doesn't necessarily signify issues. 

 Chattiness Varies   

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