Medical Causes of Your Dog's Bad Smell

Bacterial or fungal skin infections can cause unpleasant odors. Seek treatment to clear infection & relieve discomfort.  

Skin Infection

Bacteria from dental infections and rotting teeth smell bad when your dog pants. Regular cleanings prevent this.

Dental Disease

Infection and excess wax in ears stink badly. Seek medication to clear infection and professional cleaning.

Ear Infection  

Excess gas from food sensitivities or swallowing air causes bad flatulence. Monitor diet and eating habits.  

Gas & Bloat 

Allergic reactions lead to smelly skin infections. Identify and avoid allergens and use medications as needed.  

Skin Allergies

Urine scalding and skin infections caused by incontinence causes odor. See vet for solutions tailored to issue.


Blocked anal glands leak unpleasant fluid. Have vet check them and express them if needed.

Anal Glands 

Shelter Dogs Seeking Their Forever Homes