Most Obedient Dog Breeds

Intelligent, energetic and eager to please, Border Collies are champion obedience competitors and excel at agility.  


Loyal, focused and highly trainable, German Shepherds work closely with handlers and rank among the top obedience breeds.


Incredibly smart and athletic with a strong work ethic, Poodles can master obedience skills and complex routines with ease. 


Powerful yet obedient, Rottweilers bond closely with owners and enjoy mentally stimulating obedience and agility training.  


America's most popular breed, friendly Labrador Retrievers aim to please and their intelligence makes obedience second nature.

Labrador Retrievers

Biddable and eager to please owners, Golden Retrievers live for positive praise and food rewards during training.

Golden Retriever

Known as an alert and protective breed, Doberman Pinschers excel at obedience roles including police work due to intelligence.   


Dangers of Dogs Ingesting Chocolate