Persian vs Angora Cats Key Differences

The Persian originated in Iran. The Angora traces to Turkey. Their histories impacted traits like coats.


Persians have long, flowing fur. Angoras have a medium, silky coat. Both require grooming but Persians need more.

Coat Differences  

Persians have a squashed face. Angoras have a more wedge-shaped head. This impacts breathing and teeth.

Face Shape  

Persians often have brilliant blue or copper eyes. Angoras usually have blue, amber, green, or odd eyes.

Eye Color

Persians tend to be laidback and sweet. Angoras are intelligent, athletic and vocal. Choose based on lifestyle fit.


Persians are prone to dental disease, breathing issues, and eye conditions. Angoras are typically hearty but still may get heart disease.

Health Concerns

On average, Persians live 10-15 years. Angoras often exceed 15 years. Proper care impacts longevity.


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