Preparing Your Home for a New Puppy Arrival

Block off rooms, secure cords/plants, install gates, latch cabinets, cover trash cans before your puppy's arrival.  


Gather food/water bowls, crate, bed, collar/leash, toys, treats, poop bags so everything is prepped for your new pup.


Up on housetraining methods, basic commands, and tackling unwanted behaviors to start puppy training.  


Schedule first vet visit, obtain medical records from breeder, learn about vaccinations, heartworm/flea prevention to monitor puppy health.


Designate an easy-clean place with food/water, crate, toys and pads that will be your puppy's care zone initially. 

Care Space

Fence off hazardous areas, remove plants/objects that could be harmful, install stakes for tie-outs to puppy proof yard.

Proof Yard

Line up family or professional pet sitter for when you can't be home to look after your puppy at first.  

Pet Sitter

Does Your Cat Really Love You?