Priciest Pedigreed Dog Breeds Worldwide

Fluffy white Samoyeds require extensive grooming to maintain their majestic coats, which drives ownership costs upwards of $15,000+ over their lifetime.  


medical interventions due to genetic disposition make Chow Chow annual costs exceed $11,000+. Their blue-black tongues only add to the allure. 

Chow Chows  

Sleek Azawakhs have an average purchase price of $2500+ and yearly expenditures over $4000 thanks to special veterinary and diet needs.


Imposing guardians with a nobility befitting kings, Tibetan Mastiffs command reverence and a purchase price up to $7000+.  

Tibetan Mastiffs 

Loyal & self-assured, a Rottweiler puppy costs ~$1500 initially. Their large size contributes to long-term veterinary & food costs amounting to $10,000+


Driven German Shepherds require professional training adding to a ~$1500 buying cost & lifetime expenses of ~$25,000 covering medical & insurance needs.

German Shepherds   

Stubborn Akitas warrant patient, consistent training driving expenses over $37,000 through their lifespan despite a ~$1500 starting price.   

Akita Inus

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