Reasons for Your Cat's Extreme Sleeping Habits

Natural hunters, cats conserve energy waiting to explode into action when prey appears. Short burst activity patterns mean long naps.

Hardwired Instincts

Watching out windows, patrolling territory and observing humans are tiring cat "jobs" requiring rest between shifts.  

Their Job

Cats awaken easily so they tend to take frequent short naps rather than deep prolonged sleep.

Light Sleepers 

Like babies, kittens sleep extra as their bodies and minds develop rapidly.

Growth Spurts  

Inactive indoor cats with no mental and physical stimulation snooze more due to lack of engaging wakeful activities.

Boredom Sets In

Colder household temperatures make cats drowsy. Ensure she has soft, warm sleeping spots.

 Weather Lethargy

Aging cats tend to sleep more and develop night activity as body clocks shift. Extra rest is normal.

Cat Slowdown 

Common Reasons Your Cat Bites You