Reasons Why Your Cat is Yawning

Like humans, yawning often signals a cat is ready for a nap, either from boredom or lack of good sleep.  


Yawns can indicate nervousness, overstimulation, or discomfort with a situation. Look for other signs of tension.


Cats may yawn while kneading and circling just before settling in to nap in a cozy spot.

Getting Comfortable   

Cats yawn to take quick breaths in order to pant and evaporate moisture from the mouth and tongue.

Cooling Off  

Attention-seeking cats may yawn dramatically to get you to play, pet or simply notice them.

Bored or Lonely

When they see you yawn, your cat may instinctively yawn back as a social cue they trust and want to bond.

Social Mimicry  

Unique smells can trigger taste sensors that link to involuntary yawning.

Smelling Strong 

Do Cats Actually Smile?