Reasons Your Loyal Dog Follows You

Pack animal instinct means dogs associate constant closeness to you with security, survival and familial belonging.  

 Pack Mentality  

Loyal dogs stay close to protect and alert you to any sights or sounds that seem "off" to their perceptive senses.

Guard Duty

Following gives dogs maximum loving time and praise from beloved owners compared to being left alone.

Affection & Attention

Dogs who become overly distressed when separated tend to shadow owners desperately out of fear of loneliness

Separation Anxiety  

Dogs seek entertainment when bored. Where you go, action may follow! Moving from room to room sparks mental engagement.


Nervous dogs feel braver staying close to calm assertive pack leaders like their caregivers.  

Safety In Numbers

Obedience training builds confidence. Meet exercise needs. Use baby gates/crate training to encourage independence.  

Prevention Tips

Reasons Behind The Cat Grass Chewing Craze