Science Behind Your Cat's Sweet Scent  

Cats have odor producing glands concentrated in the mouth, cheeks, tail, toes and ears marking territory and broadcasting mood.  

Scent Glands 

Cats release airborne pheromones from glands to ID individuals, indicate sexual status and mark relationships through shared scents.

Pheromone Production

Consistent cleaning spreads gland secretions over fur carrying "this is me" scent messages.


When cats scratch objects they leave behind toe pad sweat conveying a status update on feelings and stress levels.  

Scent Scratches   

As colony creatures, communal scents cats share by grooming each other and sharing napping spots psychologically reinforces social bonds.   

Group Smell

Cats head butt and rub against you to glean your scent, blending it with theirs. This mingled fragrance = acceptance!  

Scent Exchange 

Proteins and fatty acids in cat pheromones, saliva and natural skin oils create uniquely comforting and pleasant smells to humans and cats.

Molecular Makeup

Why Cats Meow in Conversations