Should You Let Your Furry Friend Sleep in Your Bed?

Establishing house rules and boundaries from the start prevents problems down the road. Be consistent in training.

Set Rules and Boundaries

Dogs can disrupt sleep by moving, snoring or hogging bed space. Consider if losing sleep outweighs the bonding benefits.

Impact on Your Sleep  

Sharing a sleeping space can strengthen the bond between owner and dog through positive interactions and physical closeness.

Strengthen Bond  

Allowing bed access can reinforce poor behavior in demanding, territorial or anxious dogs. Set clear expectations.  

Reinforce Behavior  

Evaluate if medical or mobility issues make bed sharing difficult for older or disabled dogs before allowing access.

Consider Health Issues   

Provide a comfortable dog bed in your room if you don't want to fully share your bed but want closeness. 

Alternative Sleep Spots

Establishing a consistent nighttime potty and bedtime routine helps set expectations for desired behavior.  

Set a Routine

The Stray Cat Who Brought Home Her Own Stray