Signs Your Dog Needs More Affection From You

Overview of chewing, barking, potty accidents that could reflect bored, lonely dogs craving engagement.

Destructive Behavior 

Examples of exaggerated energy, pushy demands, and negative patterns from dogs lacking positive outlets.

Attention Seeking  

Signs of dogs nudging hands demanding petting or climbing into laps out of the blue.

Physical Affection Seeking

Anxiety indicators like lip licking, yawning, shaking off in dogs missing their human outlets.  

Stress Signs

Less wagging, loose body language, lack of playfulness signals dogs missing previous levels of positive contact. 

 Change in Enthusiasm

Shortened attention spans, ignoring cues, difficulty focusing can reflect bonding issues interfering with training.

Training Difficulties  

Some depressed dogs may eat less but others stress eat or beg more without enough activity occupying them.

Changes in Appetite

A Step-By-Step Guide to Bathing Your Dog