Spotting Symptoms of Illness in Cats

Consistent vomiting or bloody/watery diarrhea could signify various illnesses from infections to obstructed bowels needing treatment.   

Vomiting or Diarrhea

If a previously hungry pet loses interest in food or has difficulty chewing/swallowing, an underlying condition likely needs diagnosis.   

Loss of Appetite 

Labored breathing such as open-mouth panting when inactive warrants urgent vet evaluation for heart issues, anemia or respiratory distress.   

Difficulty Breathing  

A thick eye discharge or excessive mucus from nostrils usually correlates with allergy flareups or bacterial/viral infections.

Discharge from Eyes or Nose

Difficulty peeing, blood in urine or crying in litter box can signify UTIs or bladder stones causing obstruction.  

Straining to Urinate

Visible skin irritation, inflamed hot spots, bald patches or unrelenting scratching necessitates assessment.

Skin Problems  

Sudden trouble standing up, walking or limping requires prompt veterinary investigation for injury, arthritis or neuropathy.


Tips for Caring for Your Aging Dog or Cat