Super Friendly Dog Breeds Who Love People

Goldens are famously friendly, gentle family dogs who bond strongly and love meeting new people.

Golden Retriever

America's favorite breed, Labrador Retrievers have outgoing, affectionate personalities perfect for families.  

Labrador Retriever

Irish Setters make wonderfully friendly family dogs and get along great with kids, strangers and other pets. 

Irish Setter

Boxers are clownish, fun-loving dogs who adore people and thrive on human company.


The ultimate lap dog bred specifically for companionship, Cavaliers love their people.

Cavalier King Charles

Highly intelligent and eager to please, Poodles also have lively, outgoing personalities.


Boston Terriers have lively, fun personalities along with being low maintenance companions.

Boston Terrier  

Friendliest Dog Breeds Who Love to Play