Teach Your Dog to Give Paw

Create a positive atmosphere. Use treats and praise to motivate your dog. A positive connection makes the learning experience enjoyable.

Positive Connection

Your dog knows basic commands like "sit" and "stay." These commands provide a foundation for teaching the delightful "give paw."

Basic Commands

Establish a distinct cue for giving paw, like the word "paw" or a raised hand. Consistency is key for effective communication.

Clear Paw Cue

Reward your dog immediately when they offer their paw. Positive reinforcement strengthens the association between the command and the action.

Treat Reinforcement

Guide your dog to lift their paw slightly. Gradually increase the elevation, making the action more pronounced over time.

Gradual Elevation of Paw

Introduce mild distractions during training. This enhances your dog's focus and ensures they can give paw even in more stimulating situations.

Distraction Challenges

Consistent practice is essential. Regularly reinforce the paw command in various settings to generalize the behavior.

Consistent Practice

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