The Purpose Behind Your Dog's Tail  

Dogs use their tails as a counterbalance while running or walking across unstable surfaces, helping coordinate movement.  


Tail wagging, positioning and tension conveys important information to other dogs on mood ranging from friendly to fearful.


Dogs reinforce social connections by gently wagging tails during interactions or curling up tail-to-tail while resting

Social Bonding

A tucked tail may signal anxiety while a loose, rapidly wagging tail indicates happiness. Tails display innermost feelings.

Emotional Barometer

Dogs swish tails against flank to discourage biting insects from latching on. Certain dog breeds use tails to cover scent glands too.  


Dogs change tail positioning to steer mid-air when leaping to help execute athletic feats or sharp turns while running.

Agility Booster  

Nerve-dense tails sense information dogs use to explore surroundings, like objects brushing past them.   

Stimulation Sensor  

Categories of Service Dogs That Assist People