Top 7 Large Domestic Cat Breeds

This gentle giant with lush, water-resistant fur originates from rugged Maine winters but thrives indoors too.

Maine Coon

One of the heaviest breeds, the docile, floppy Ragdoll is similar in size to the Maine Coon but has distinctive colorpointed markings.


This exotic-looking hybrid between domestic cats and the tall, lanky African Serval has the longest body of common pet cat breeds.


The adaptable, outgoing and agile Norwegian Forest Cat has a thick, water-repellent double coat well-suited for cold climates.

Norwegian Forest Cat  

Also equipped with a tri-colored waterproof coat from Siberian forests, these robust cats have bear-like faces and dense furry tails.  


Despite their long, silky fur, Turkish Angoras are unusually light yet strong cats originally from Turkey with shimmery eyes.

Turkish Angora

The active Bengal combines the exotic look of Asian Leopard Cats with domestic cats for a wildcat-like pet reaching up to 25 pounds.


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