Top 7 Tips for Kitten Teething Woes

Prepare for kitten teething by providing appropriate chew toys. Soft rubber or fabric toys are ideal for soothing their gums.


Freeze wet cat food or make ice cubes from chicken broth. The cold sensation provides relief to sore gums while offering a tasty distraction.

Frozen Treats

Invest in teething rings designed for kittens. These rings promote healthy chewing habits and help massage their gums.

Teething Rings

Provide gentle gum massages using your finger. This aids in relieving teething pain and allows you to monitor your kitten's oral health.

Gentle Massage

Redirect your kitten from inappropriate chewing by discouraging access to household items. Keep cords, shoes, and other tempting items out of reach. 

Avoid Human Items

The vet can provide advice on teething, recommend appropriate dental care products, and address any concerns about your kitten's oral development.

Regular Vet Check

Be patient and provide extra tender loving care during the teething phase. Offer comfort, playtime, and reassurance. 

Patience and TLC

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