Top Dog Breeds to Guard Your Home and Family

 Smart, agile German Shepherds are renowned for police and military work. Their acute sense of hearing and sight detects threats.  

German Shepherds  

Though intimidating in size and appearance, loyal Dobies only turn aggressive against true dangers with proper training.  

 Doberman Pinscher 

Giant Schnauzersexcel at guard work by leveraging their athleticism, endurance and imposing structure despite a silly beard and brows!

Giant Schnauzers   

While Rottweilers face breed restrictions, these self-assured defenders will put themselves in harm's way when necessary to save owners


Bullmastiffs use intimidating size but levelheadedness to pin down intruders without mauling. Their roar-like bark deters threats.


Driven Belgian Malinois take guard duty seriously by proactively patrolling territory and not hesitating to pounce when trouble arises.   

 Belgian Malinois  

Cane Corsos are bold protectors - from tracking intruders to cornering them with aggressive display until you intervene.

 Cane Corsos

7 Hypoallergenic Dogs That Don’t Shed