Top Facts About Abyssinians Cat

The Abyssinian breed traces back to sacred cats of ancient Egypt over 4,000 years ago.

Ancient Breed

Distinctive ticked fur gives the Abyssinian a wild, cunning appearance, earning them the nickname "Fox Cat."

Wild Look  

Extremely loyal and eager to be with their family. Their energetic, fun-loving personality is more dog-like than typical felines.


Talkative Abys welcome home their families with a signature soft chirping trill or happy song.

 Chirpy Greeting 

Quick, coordinated and highly motivated, Abys leap into action for toys and adore feats of agility.

Agile Athletes   

Another signature feature - extra thick tails covered in unique ridges adding another dimension to feel when petting.   

Texture Tails  

Smart and intensely bonded with their preferred people, the Aby aims to please and enjoys performing tricks.

People Pleasers

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