Top fascinating Facts About Bengal Cat

Bengals resulted from breeding small Asian Leopard Cats with domestic cats to achieve their exotic look.

Hybrid Breed 

Distinctive marbling and spots mimic their wild ancestry. No two coats have the same rosette pattern.  

Rosette Spots

Some Bengals possess a shiny glitter gene making their coat dazzle brightly in the right light.

Glitter Gene

Channeling ancestry that swims, many Bengals enjoy splashing in water. Some even fetch floating toys!

Water Lovers  

Tenacious, intelligent and devoted to their families, Bengals have dog-like tendencies to play fetch and walk on leashes.

Dog Like

These active, athletic cats need interactive play and environmental enrichment to stay happily occupied.

Busy Bodies 

Vocal grumbles and chirps communicate their thoughts. Loud purrs trumpet their contentment.  

Chatty Purr Boxes

Top 7 Facts About Bobtails Cat