What To Expect When Your Cat is Spayed 

Prior to spay surgery, fasting is required starting the night before and a pre-op blood panel checks your cat's fitness.


The ovaries and often the uterus are removed through an incision low on your cat's abdomen during the spay surgery.


After the spay, your cat will be monitored by the vet before discharge; an e-collar prevents licking and chewing. 


At home recovery over 7-10 days involves restricted activity, pain medication, incision checks and no baths.


Spaying reduces the risks of certain cancers, eliminates heat cycles and often improves cat behavior.


Like all surgeries, bleeding, infection, reactions to anesthesia and internal organ damage are potential spay risks. 


Cats tend to become calmer and more affectionate after spaying now that heat cycles and the urge to roam/mate is eliminated.  


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