What You Should Know Before Getting a Wolf Dog

 Wolf ancestry makes instincts unpredictable despite domesticated parent.

 6 Generations from Wolves    

Ensure wolf hybrids are permitted in your county, city, neighborhood first.  

Legal Restrictions Apply  

 Expect to provide vigorous runs and mental enrichment challenges daily.

Intense Exercise & Stimulation   

Tendencies towards shyness, reactivity and aloofness around strangers manifest.

 Exhibit Skittish Behavior  

Depending on parental lineage, wolf dogs grow from 40-180 pounds.

Range from Small to Giant 

Yellowish eyes, long legs, broad snouts resemble their ancient relatives.

 Signature Wolf Appearances  

Expect long mournful vocal bouts testing neighborhood sound regulations.   

Howling and Escapes  

7 Things You Should Know About Terriers