Why Do Dogs Get So Obsessed with Squeaky Toys?

The high-pitched sound mimics small distressed prey like mice or birds, kickstarting dogs' chasing instincts.

Prey Drive Trigger

 The movement and sound of squeaky toys allows dogs to play out their inner hunter, satisfying their predator legacy.

Hunting Fun  

Squeakers tap into dog's innate curiosity about unusual sounds, smells, and movements. 

Natural Investigators

The unpredictability of when or how loud the toy will squeak keeps interactive games more exciting.

 Interactive Play Appeal

Dogs learn quickly that carrying around a squeaking toy earns attention, engaging their loved humans in coveted playtime.   

Owner Engagement  

Silencing the tempting toy squeak offers a sense of success and achievement light up the reward centers in dogs' minds.

Sense of Accomplishment

Be mindful the drive to aggressively squeak toys means they often get destroyed - monitor play and remove pieces.

Durability Issues   

Tips to Curb Your Puppy’s Nipping Habit